Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Wall.E. Watched it yesterday. Wanted to watch Zohan but tickets sold out, no choice but to watch wall.e. At first I didn't feel like watching it, but after that, I could say that it is a MUST watch. It is cute, interesting, worth watching and meaningful. Its about a robot falls in love. Anyway, don wanna tell in more details, watch it then u will know^^.

Well, Lee Chong Wei lost in the final. Its the first time for him to participate in Olympic games and made it til the finals. Although can't get a gold medal, but at least u can get a silver medal. Anyway, thanks to u, we finally break the 'egg' and Malaysia now is rank 58, out of 204 countries.

Oh yeah, about the previous post, in case u haven't notice, look closely at the name, 'nasi goreng ayam black paper'. It suppose to be pepper, not paper. Guess til now no such 'nasi goreng ayam black paper' exists.......



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