Friday, January 2, 2009
Just realised how dead my blog is, couldn't imagine that ever since semester 2 started, things were never be the same again. Semester 2 is way too packed and rushed compared to semester 1, in fact, semester 1 is nothing compare to semester2>.< Never ending assignments, quizzes everyday, heavy homework etc etc.....
Another year gone, I must admit time passes really fast, blink of an eye, gone again. 2008 is the best year, and the worst year at the same time in my life. The best part, I was in INTI, making new frens, really enjoying studying. Worst part, I am forced to enter matriculation which brings nothing worst memories. Some place that dares to call themself a college. U wouldn't have call a place which give u no freedom a college, and mind you, you can't even count down for new year. Its not written in the rules and regulations book, but somehow the rules are there, count down for a new year is breaking the rules.
4 more months til I finished with this 'matriculation' thing. Really I could skip this 4 months, something like fast forward. And kinda wish someone will invent something that can erase the memories that u wan to erase in the near future.......
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